2016-07-04 8 views

私はディレクトリの内容をスキャンし、そのスキャンの結果でテーブルを更新するためにvbaスクリプトを作成しています。結果は、ファイルがUnchanged、New、Missingのいずれかであり、テーブルのFile Status列に更新されます。新規の場合は、ファイル名を表のFilename列に入れます。ExcelのVBAでディレクトリの内容をスキャンしてテーブルを更新します



Sub FolderContents() 

Dim objFSO, objFolder, objFile As Object 
Dim g, h, i, j, k, l As Integer 
Dim myTable As ListObject 
Dim myArray As Variant 
Dim FileArray(), FileStatusArray() As String 
Dim wsName, tbName, fnName, fsName, Path As String 
Dim colNumFile, colNumStatus As Long 
Dim newRow As ListRow 
h = 1 
j = 1 
l = 1 

' Change only these values if name of table or worksheets change 
wsName = "Signage List"  'Worksheet name that contains the signage table 
tbName = "Signage"   'Table name for the signage file data 
fnName = "Filename"   'Column name that contains the file names 
fsName = "File Status"  'Column name that contains the file statuses 


Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).ButtonName = "Select Folder" 
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 
    .AllowMultiSelect = False 
    .Title = "Select destination folder" 
    If .Show = -1 And .SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then 
     Path = .SelectedItems(1) 
    Else: Exit Sub 
    End If 
End With 

Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Path) 
Set myTable = Worksheets(wsName).ListObjects(tbName) 
colNumFile = myTable.ListColumns(fnName).Index 
colNumStatus = myTable.ListColumns(fsName).Index 

If Not myTable.ListColumns(colNumFile).DataBodyRange Is Nothing Then 
    myArray = myTable.ListColumns(colNumFile).DataBodyRange 
End If 

If Not IsEmpty(myArray) Then 
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
     If objFile.Type = "PNG image" Then 
      For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) 
       ReDim Preserve FileArray(1 To j) 
       ReDim Preserve FileStatusArray(1 To j) 
       If myArray(i, 1) = objFile.Name Then 
        FileArray(j) = objFile.Name 
        Cells(i + 1, colNumStatus) = "Unchanged" 
        FileStatusArray(j) = "Unchanged" 
        GoTo NextFile 
        FileArray(j) = objFile.Name 
        FileStatusArray(j) = "New" 
       End If 
      Next i 
      j = j + 1 
     End If 
    Next objFile 

    For k = LBound(FileArray) To UBound(FileArray) 
     For l = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray) 
      If Not myArray(l, 1) = FileArray(k) Then 
       Cells(l + 1, colNumStatus) = "Missing" 
       GoTo AnotherFile 
        Cells(l + 1, colNumStatus) = "Unchanged" 
      End If 
      Next l 

     If FileStatusArray(k) = "New" Then 
      Set newRow = myTable.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True) 
      Set myTable = Worksheets(wsName).ListObjects(tbName) 
      newRow.Range.Cells(1, colNumStatus) = "New" 
      newRow.Range.Cells(1, colNumFile) = FileArray(k) 
     End If 
    Next k 
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
     If objFile.Type = "PNG image" Then 
      ReDim Preserve FileArray(1 To h) 
      ReDim Preserve FileStatusArray(1 To h) 
      FileArray(h) = objFile.Name 
      FileStatusArray(h) = "New" 
      h = h + 1 
     End If 
    Next objFile 

    For g = LBound(FileArray) To UBound(FileArray) 
     Set newRow = myTable.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True) 
     Set myTable = Worksheets(wsName).ListObjects(tbName) 
     newRow.Range.Cells(1, colNumStatus) = "New" 
     newRow.Range.Cells(1, colNumFile) = FileArray(g) 
    Next g 
End If 

End Sub 





Sub FolderContents() 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    ' Change only these values if name of table or worksheets change 
    Const wsName = "Signage List" 'Worksheet name that contains the signage table 
    Const tbName = "Signage"  'Table name for the signage file data 
    Const fnName = "Filename"  'Column name that contains the file names 
    Const fsName = "File Status" 'Column name that contains the file statuses 
    Dim dImageFiles 
    Dim tblSignage As ListObject 
    Dim newRow As Range 
    Dim k As String 

    Dim x As Long, colNumFile As Long, colNumStatus As Long 

    Set dImageFiles = getSignageImageFilesDictionary 

    If dImageFiles.Count = 0 Then 
     ' Do Something if no folder was selected 
    End If 

    Set tblSignage = Worksheets(wsName).ListObjects(tbName) 

    With tblSignage 
     colNumFile = .ListColumns(fnName).Index 
     colNumStatus = .ListColumns(fsName).Index 
     With .DataBodyRange 
      For x = 1 To .Rows.Count 
       k = .Cells(x, colNumFile).Text 
       If dImageFiles.Exists(k) Then 
        .Cells(x, colNumStatus) = "Unchanged" 
        dImageFiles.Remove k 
        .Cells(x, colNumStatus) = "Missing" 
       End If 

      Next x 

     End With 
    End With 

    For x = 0 To dImageFiles.Count - 1 
     Set newRow = tblSignage.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True).Range 
     newRow.Cells(1, colNumFile) = dImageFiles.keys(x) 
     newRow.Cells(1, colNumStatus) = "New" 
    Next x 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 

Function getSignageImageFilesDictionary() 
    Dim folderPath As String 
    Dim dict, fso, f 

    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

    folderPath = getFolderPath 
    If Len(folderPath) Then 
     For Each f In fso.GetFolder(folderPath).Files 

      If fso.GetExtensionName(f.Path) = "png" Then 
       If Not dict.Exists(f.Name) Then dict.Add f.Name, f.Path 
      End If 

    End If 

    Set getSignageImageFilesDictionary = dict 
    Set fso = Nothing 
End Function 

Function getFolderPath() As String 

    Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).ButtonName = "Select Folder" 

    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 
     .AllowMultiSelect = False 
     .Title = "Select destination folder" 
     If .Show = -1 And .SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then 
      getFolderPath = .SelectedItems(1) 
     Else: Exit Function 
     End If 
    End With 

End Function 

配列を使用する理由はありませんでした。あなたが大量のデータを扱っていたなら、私はテーブルのdatabodyrangeを転置して1つの多次元配列を作成しました。配列の最後の次元だけをサイズ変更できるため、これを転置する必要があります。次に、配列の値を新しい行に追加できます。最後に、配列をexistiong databodyrangeに転置します。

Sub FolderContents() 
    ' Change only these values if name of table or worksheets change 
    Const wsName = "Signage List"  'Worksheet name that contains the signage table 
    Const tbName = "Signage"   'Table name for the signage file data 
    Const fnName = "Filename"   'Column name that contains the file names 
    Const fsName = "File Status"  'Column name that contains the file statuses 
    Dim dImageFiles 
    Dim tblSignage As ListObject 
    Dim k As String 
    Dim x As Long, count As Long, colCount As Long, colNumFile As Long, colNumStatus As Long 
    Dim arData, v 

    Set dImageFiles = getSignageImageFilesDictionary 

    If dImageFiles.count = 0 Then 
     ' Do Something if no folder was selected 
    End If 

    Set tblSignage = Worksheets(wsName).ListObjects(tbName) 

    With tblSignage 
     colNumFile = .ListColumns(fnName).Index 
     colNumStatus = .ListColumns(fsName).Index 
     colCount = .DataBodyRange.Columns.count 

     arData = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(.DataBodyRange) 

     For x = 1 To UBound(arData, 2) 

      k = arData(colNumFile, x) 
      If dImageFiles.Exists(k) Then 
       arData(colNumStatus, x) = "Unchanged" 
       dImageFiles.Remove k 
       arData(colNumStatus, x) = "Missing" 
      End If 
     Next x 

     For Each v In dImageFiles.keys() 
      count = UBound(arData, 2) + 1 
      ReDim Preserve arData(1 To colCount, 1 To count) 
      arData(colNumFile, count) = v 
      arData(colNumStatus, count) = "New" 
     Next v 

     .DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arData, 2), colCount) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arData) 

    End With 

End Sub 