2016-04-11 13 views










window.addEventListener('load', function() 
// Create our node store, allowing us easy access to the nodes in the future. 
var nodes = {}; 

nodes.consultant = document.querySelector('#consultant'); 

nodes.scope = nodes.consultant.querySelector('.col'); 

nodes.response = nodes.scope.querySelector('.consultant-response'); 
nodes.question = nodes.scope.querySelector('.consultant-question'); 
nodes.input = nodes.scope.querySelector('.consultant-input-wrap'); 
nodes.image = nodes.consultant.querySelector('.consultant-image'); 
nodes.dots = nodes.scope.querySelector('.consultant-dots'); 

var clientName = ''; 

// This variable will store the current question. 
var question; 

// Create our question store, we will iterate through these by shifting the 
// first item off and replacing the question variable with it. Once the 
// client has responded to the question, it will be pushed in the responses 
// store below. 
var questions = [ 

     name: 'name', 
     question: 'Let’s start now. You know my name. What’s yours?', 
     image: 'consultant-introduction.png', 
     input: (function() 
      var form = document.createElement('form'); 

      var input = document.createElement('input'); 
      input.placeholder = 'Enter your name'; 
      input.className = 'consultant-input'; 

      var submit = document.createElement('button'); 
      submit.className = 'fa fa-chevron-right'; 

      return form; 
     response: function(name) 
      if (typeof name === 'undefined') 

      question.image = 'consultant-bedroom-question.png'; 
      clientName = name; 
      return "Hey " + name + ". Great to meet you. I’ve got a couple of questions about the new home you want to build."; 
     name: 'bedrooms', 
     question: "How many bedrooms would you like?", 
     input: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_bedrooms[]"]').cloneNode(true), 
     original: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_bedrooms[]"]'), 
     response: function(bedrooms) 
      if (typeof bedrooms === 'undefined') 
      var response = ''; 

      switch (+bedrooms) 
       case 5: 
        response = "Five! Sounds like you need plenty of room for the family and a guest or three."; 
        question.image = 'consultant-five-bedroom-answer.png'; 
       case 4: 
        response = "4 bedrooms, great! We’ve got plenty of ideas for you already."; 
        question.image = 'consultant-four-bedroom-answer.png'; 
       case 3: 
        response = "Brilliant, 3 bedrooms. We love smaller but perfectly formed homes too."; 
        question.image = 'consultant-three-bedroom-answer.png'; 
        response = "Well that isn't a valid response..."; 
        question.image = ''; 

      return response; 
     name: 'levels', 
     question: function(bedrooms) 
      if (typeof bedrooms === 'undefined') 

      var question = ''; 

      switch (+bedrooms) 
       case 5: 
        question = "Does that mean you want two storeys as well or would you rather spread out over one?"; 
       case 4: 
        question = "How high would you like to go? One or two storeys?"; 
       case 3: 
        question = "Does that mean you’re after a single storey home or two levels maybe? "; 

      return question; 
     input: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_levels[]"]').cloneNode(true), 
     original: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_levels[]"]'), 
     response: function(levels) 
      var response = ''; 

      switch (+levels) 
       case 2: 
        response = "Thanks " + clientName + ", two storeys will give you a lot of flexibility."; 
        question.image = 'consultant-two-storey-answer.png'; 
       case 1: 
        response = "Nice " + clientName + ", a single storey home is a great option."; 
        question.image = 'consultant-one-storey-answer.png'; 
        response = "Well that isn't a valid response..."; 
        question.image = ''; 

      return response; 
     name: 'style', 
     question: "I’ve got one more question, do you like contemporary or traditional style homes?", 
     image: 'consultant-style-answer.png', 
     input: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_style[]"]').cloneNode(true), 
     original: document.querySelector('[name="_sfm_style[]"]'), 
     response: function(style) 
      var response = ''; 

      switch (style) 
       case 'Traditional': 
        response = "You can’t beat the classics eh! Brilliant, check out a few ideas we think you’ll like below."; 
       case 'Modern': 
        response = "Great, you’re after something a little more modern. Check out a few ideas we think you’ll like below."; 
        response = "Well that isn't a valid response..."; 
        question.image = ''; 

      return response; 
     name: 'done', 
     question: "Remember, these plans are just a starting point. We can completely customise any of them to suit your needs perfectly.", 
     input: (function() 
      var wrap = document.createElement('div'); 
      wrap.className = 'consultant-done-wrap'; 

      var elmnt = document.createElement('a'); 
      elmnt.className = 'consultant-done fa fa-angle-down'; 
      elmnt.href = "#find-a-plan"; 

      return wrap; 

// Once a client responds to a question, that question object will be added 
// to this array. 
var responses = []; 

// Create our function store, this helps organize our functions, but also 
// prevents conflict with existing function names. 
var funcs = {}; 

// Prompt the user with the new question. 
funcs.prompt = function(e) 
    // Cancel the default event if an event object is supplied 
    if (typeof e !== 'undefined' && typeof e.preventDefault === 'function') 

    // Store the previous response if it is available, so that we can pass 
    // it to the question function. 
    var previous = {}; 

    if (typeof question !== 'undefined') 
     if (question.input instanceof HTMLElement) 
      // If the input field is a form element, we have to search for 
      // the input element. 
      if (/form/i.test(question.input.tagName)) 
       previous.value = question.input.querySelector('input').value; 
       previous.value = question.input.value; 

      // If there was no selected value, or the value is empty, stop here 
      if (typeof previous === 'undefined' || previous.length === 0) 

     // Check if the response field is supplied 
     if (typeof question.response !== 'undefined') 
      if (typeof question.response === 'function') 
       // If the response is a function, call it with the value of the input, 
       // and apply the output to the response node. 
       nodes.response.innerHTML = question.response(previous.value); 
       // If it isn't a function, apply the value to the response node. 
       nodes.response.innerHTML = question.response; 

      // Push the current question onto the response array. 

      // Remove the current input element. 

     // Just a check to make sure the dot element is actually an element, 
     // safety first! 
     if (question.dot instanceof HTMLElement) 
      // Set the dot for the current question as active. 
      question.dot.className += ' active'; 

     previous.question = question; 

    // Assign the new question to the current question variable. 
    // This removes the first question from the question store. 
    question = questions.shift(); 

    // If we are on the first question, load the image for this question. 
    if (typeof previous.question === 'undefined') 
     previous.question = question; 

    // If there is an image attached to the previous question, show it. 
    // This is usually set in the response field, so we can know what the response was. 
    if (typeof previous.question.image !== 'undefined') 
     if (nodes.image instanceof HTMLElement) 
      nodes.image.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + previous.question.image + ')'; 

    // Check to see if the question field is set. 
    if (typeof question.question !== 'undefined') 
     if (typeof question.question === 'function') 
      // If the question is a function, call it and apply the output 
      // to the question node. 
      nodes.question.innerHTML = question.question(previous.value); 
      // If it isn't a function, apply the value to the question node. 
      nodes.question.innerHTML = question.question; 

    // Check if the input field is an HTML element 
    if (question.input instanceof HTMLElement) 
     // If it is, insert it into the input container. 

    // Check to see if we are on the last question or not. 
    if (question.name !== 'done') 
     // If not, check if the input element is an HTML element 
     if (question.input instanceof HTMLElement) 
      // Make sure the input element isn't actually a form element. 
      if (!/form/i.test(question.input.tagName)) 
       // Apply the styling to the input element. 
       question.input.className += ' consultant-input'; 

       // Apply the event listener to the input element. 
       question.input.addEventListener('change', funcs.prompt, false); 
       // Apply the event listener to the input element. 
       question.input.addEventListener('submit', funcs.prompt, false); 
     // If we are on the last question, remove the dots and update the originals. 

// Update an individual input. 
funcs.updateInput = function(response) 
    // If no original element was passed, exit the function 
    if (typeof response.original === 'undefined') 

    // Check to see if the original field is actually an HTML element. 
    if (response.original instanceof HTMLElement) 
     // Set the value of the original input to that of the client input. 
     response.original.value = response.input.value; 

     // This is because IE is stupid. We have to check if "fireEvent" is a function. 
     if ("fireEvent" in document) 
      // If it is, the user is browsing with IE, use the "fireEvent" function 
      // If it isn't, the user is browsing with a real browser. 
      // Create a "change" event. 
      var event = new UIEvent("change", 
       "view": window, 
       "bubbles": true, 
       "cancelable": true 

      // Dispatch the "change" event 

// Update all of the inputs. 
funcs.updateAllInputs = function() 
    // Iterate through the responses array. 
    for (var i in responses) 
     // This excludes the "length" field, only relevant on mobile devices. 
     if (responses.hasOwnProperty(i)) 
      // Update the original input. 

// Make the dots to show the progress through the consultant 
funcs.makeDots = function() 
    // Iterate through the questions array. 
    for (var i in questions) 
     // This excludes the "length" field, only relevant on mobile devices. 
     if (questions.hasOwnProperty(i)) 
      // Skip the last question. 
      if (questions[i].name === 'done') 

      // Make the dot 
      questions[i].dot = document.createElement('li'); 

      // Append the dot to the dots container 

// Make the dots. 

// Prompt the first question. 
}, false); 


<section class="beige section-padding strip-wrap" id="consultant"> 
    <div class="container entry clr"> 
     <div class="clr col span_1_of_3 col-1"> 
      <h1 class="red">Can I help?</h1> 
      <div class="white consultant-response"> 
       Hi, I'm Glenda. Our job is to make your build as easy and tailored as possible. 
      <div class="orange consultant-question"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-input-wrap"></div> 
      <ul class="consultant-dots"></ul> 

     <div class="clr col span_2_of_3"></div> 
     <a href="#find-a-plan"> 
      <div class="strip">These homes are a perfect starting point 
       <div class="strip-arrow"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></div> 
    <!-- .entry-content --> 
    <div class="consultant-showcase"> 
     <div class="consultant-image"> 
      <div class="consultant-introduction"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-bedroom-question"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-three-bedroom-answer"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-four-bedroom-answer"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-five-bedroom-answer"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-one-storey-answer"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-two-storey-aswer"></div> 
      <div class="consultant-style-answer"></div> 

_ "1)名前を入力せずに最初の入力フィールドをスキップすることができます。" _必須属性を使用します。 Questionに 'html'を含めることができますか? – guest271314


@ guest271314 - 必要な属性はどこに配置する必要がありますか? – tebrown


'var input = document.createElement(" input "); input.setAttribute( "required"、true) ' – guest271314



1)あなたは、名前を入力することなく、第1の入力フィールドをスキップすることができます。ユーザーが名前を入力するためには が必要です。



問題2なぜこれが起こると思いますか? – tebrown


@tebrown 'html'なしでの判断が難しい。 http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcveを参照してください。 「ストーリー」とは何ですか? – guest271314


@tebrown _ "どこにhtmlを投稿すべきですか?" _元の質問。 http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask – guest271314
