2012-01-26 9 views



    var hideAnswers = function() { 

     $('#faqGrid tr td').each(function(){ 

      var $td = $(this); 
      $td.children('div .answer').hide(); 

     }); //end of $('#faqGrid tr td').each(fn) 

    }; //end of var hideAnswers = function() {} 


    * .delegate(selector, eventType, handler(eventObject)) 
    * selector: A selector to filter the elements that trigger the event. 
    * eventType: A string containing one or more space-separated JavaScript event types, such as 
    * "click" or "keydown," or custom event names. 
    * handler(eventObject): A function to execute at the time the event is triggered. 
    * Description: Attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, 
    * now or in the future, based on a specific set of root elements. 

    $("#faqGrid").delegate("td", "click", function() { 

     var $td = $(this); 

     $td.children('div .answer').animate({ 

      opacity: 'toggle', 
      height: 'toggle' 

     }, 'slow'); 

    }); //end of $("#faqGrid").delegate("td", "click", fn()); 

     * mouseenter and mouseleave only triggered when the mouse first enters the <div> and 
     * finally leaves it. IF you consistently want the mouse event in a div, then use mouseover(fn) 
    $('#faqGrid').delegate('td div.question', 'mouseenter', function(event){ 

     // current div 
     var $div = $(this); 

     //Find current div parent which is td. So we can check for answer div for this td. 
     //Only travels a single level up the DOM tree. 
     var $td = $div.parent(); 


     // create tooltip div 
     var $tooltipDiv = $('<div class="tooltip"></div>'); 

     // find current div class attributr value 
     var divClass = $div.attr('class'); 

     if (divClass == 'question'){ 

      // Find <div class=answer /> for this td 
      var $answerDiv = $td.find('div.answer'); 

      // If answer div is hidden then only show the tooltip 
      if ($answerDiv.is(':hidden')) { 

        * This line will create something like this. 
        *  '<div class="tooltip">click to see the answer</div>' 
        * Then when mouse leave, we will get this text using .html() and set it to 
        * to span title attribute value. So when next time mouse enter then we have the 
        * title text. 
        * $(this).find('span').attr('title',$('.tooltip').html()); 
       $tooltipDiv.text("Click to see the answer").appendTo('body'); 

       //change tooltip position 
       var tooltipX = event.pageX - 8; 
      var tooltipY = event.pageY + 8; 
            top: tooltipY, 
            left: tooltipX 
           ); //end of .css 

       //hide the tooltip with fadeOut effect in 3 sec 


      } else { //end of if ($answerDiv.is(':hidden')) 


     } //end of if ($div.attr('class') == 'question'..) 


     //Keep changing the X and Y axis for the tooltip, thus, the tooltip move along with the mouse 
     var tooltipX = event.pageX - 8; 
    var tooltipY = event.pageY + 8; 

           top: tooltipY, 
           left: tooltipX 
         ); //end of .css 

    }).mouseleave(function() { 

     //Put back the title attribute's value 

     //Remove the appended tooltip template 



})(jQuery); //end of (function($) 







$("#faqGrid").delegate('td', 'hideAnswers', hideAnswers); 

