2017-07-20 3 views

私はXamarinネイティブC#でWindows Phone 8.1の電子ブックリーダーを作成しようとしています。Windows phoneでのページターンアニメーション8.1電子ブックリーダー


this sample projectのようなものですが、Silverlightではそうではありません。


- おかげで非常に:)



Pageturn.cs PageTurner7のSilverlight(実施

using System; 
//using System.Windows.Ink; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents; 
using System.Windows; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Input; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation; 
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup; 
using Windows.Foundation; 

namespace epub_reader.WinPhone 
    public class PageTurn 
     public PageTurn() 

     private int _index = 0;   // Current spread index 
     private double _width;    // Width of each page 
     private double _height;   // Height of each page 
     private int _count = 0;   // Number of even/odd page pairs 
     private bool _turning = false;  // True if page turn in progress 
     private bool _animating = false; // True if animated turn completion in progress 
     private double _percent = 0.0;  // Percent turned (0 = 0%, 1 = 100%) 
     private double _startPos = -1;  // X coordinate of initial mouse click 
     private int _direction = 0;  // -1 = Turning left, 1 = Turning right 
     private double _step = 0.025;  // Step size for animations 
     private double _shadowWidth = 16; // Maximum shadow width 
     private double _shadowBreak = 5; // Number of degrees required for shadow to attain maximum width 
     private double _sensitivity = 1.0; // Higher number -> More mouse movement required for full turn 

     private FrameworkElement _owner = null;      // Owner of mouse capture 
     private List<Canvas> _evens = new List<Canvas>();   // Even pages 
     private List<Canvas> _odds = new List<Canvas>();    // Odd pages 
     private Polygon _shadow = null;        // Polygon object used to draw shadow 
     private Storyboard _timer = null;       // Storyboard timer for animations 
     private Canvas _canvas = null;        // Canvas containing pages 
     private Canvas _workingOdd = null;       // Working right page 
     private Canvas _workingEven = null;       // Working left page 

     private PathGeometry _oddClipRegion = null; 
     private LineSegment _oddClipRegionLineSegment1 = null; 
     private LineSegment _oddClipRegionLineSegment2 = null; 
     private PathGeometry _evenClipRegion = null; 
     private LineSegment _evenClipRegionLineSegment1 = null; 
     private LineSegment _evenClipRegionLineSegment2 = null; 
     private LineSegment _evenClipRegionLineSegment3 = null; 
     private TransformGroup _transformGroup = null; 
     private RotateTransform _rotateTransform = null; 
     private TranslateTransform _translateTransform = null; 

     // XAML definition for clip region used on right-hand pages 
     private const string _opg = 
      "<PathGeometry xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\">" + 
      "<PathFigure StartPoint=\"0,0\">" + 
      "<LineSegment />" + 
      "<LineSegment />" + 
      "</PathFigure>" + 

     // XAML definition for clip region used on left-hand pages 
     private const string _epg = 
      "<PathGeometry xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\">" + 
      "<PathFigure StartPoint=\"0,0\">" + 
      "<LineSegment Point=\"0,0\" />" + 
      "<LineSegment Point=\"0,0\" />" + 
      "<LineSegment Point=\"0,0\" />" + 
      "</PathFigure>" + 

     // XAML definition for transforms used on left-hand pages 
     private const string _tg = 
      "<TransformGroup xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\">" + 
      "<RotateTransform />" + 
      "<TranslateTransform />" + 

     // XAML definition for Storyboard timer 
     private const string _sb = "<Storyboard xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\" Duration=\"0:0:0.01\" />"; 

     // XAML definition for shadow polygon 
     private const string _poly = 
      "<Polygon xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\" Canvas.ZIndex=\"4\" Fill=\"Black\" Opacity=\"0.2\" Points=\"0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0\" Visibility=\"Collapsed\">" + 
      "<Polygon.Clip>" + 
      "<RectangleGeometry Rect=\"0,0,{0},{1}\" />" + 
      "</Polygon.Clip>" + 

     // Events 
     public event EventHandler PageTurned; 

     // Properties 

     public int CurrentSpreadIndex 
      get { return _index; } 

     public int SpreadCount 
      get { return _count; } 

     public double Sensitivity 
      get { return _sensitivity; } 
      set { _sensitivity = value; } 

     // Public methods 

     public void Initialize(Canvas canvas) 
      _canvas = canvas; 

      // Create a Storyboard for timing animations 
      _timer = (Storyboard)XamlReader.Load(_sb); 
      //_timer.Completed += new EventHandler(OnTimerTick); 
      _timer.Completed += OnTimerTick; 
      // Create a PathGeometry for clipping right-hand pages 
      _oddClipRegion = (PathGeometry)XamlReader.Load(_opg); 
      _oddClipRegionLineSegment1 = (LineSegment)_oddClipRegion.Figures[0].Segments[0]; 
      _oddClipRegionLineSegment2 = (LineSegment)_oddClipRegion.Figures[0].Segments[1]; 

      // Create a PathGeometry for clipping left-hand pages 
      string xaml = String.Format(_epg, _evens[0].Height); 
      _evenClipRegion = (PathGeometry)XamlReader.Load(xaml); 
      _evenClipRegionLineSegment1 = (LineSegment)_evenClipRegion.Figures[0].Segments[0]; 
      _evenClipRegionLineSegment2 = (LineSegment)_evenClipRegion.Figures[0].Segments[1]; 
      _evenClipRegionLineSegment3 = (LineSegment)_evenClipRegion.Figures[0].Segments[2]; 

      // Create a TransformGroup for transforming left-hand pages 
      _transformGroup = (TransformGroup)XamlReader.Load(_tg); 
      _rotateTransform = (RotateTransform)_transformGroup.Children[0]; 
      _translateTransform = (TranslateTransform)_transformGroup.Children[1]; 

      // Initialize internal variables 
      _count = _evens.Count; 
      _width = _evens[0].Width; 
      _height = _evens[0].Height; 

      // Create a Polygon to provide shadow during page turns 
      _shadow = (Polygon)XamlReader.Load(String.Format(_poly, _width * 2, _height)); 

      // Initialize z-order 

     private void OnTimerTick(object sender, object e) 
      _percent += _step; 

      if (_percent < 0.0) 
       _percent = 0.0; 
      else if (_percent > 1.0) 
       _percent = 1.0; 


      if (_percent == 0.0) 
       if (_direction == 1) 
        if (PageTurned != null) 
         PageTurned(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
      else if (_percent == 1.0) 
       if (_direction == -1) 
        if (PageTurned != null) 
         PageTurned(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

     public void AddSpread(Canvas left, Canvas right) 
      left.PointerPressed += Left_PointerPressed; ; ; 
      //left.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnBeginRightTurn); 
      left.PointerMoved += Left_PointerMoved; 
      //left.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnContinueRightTurn); 
      left.PointerReleased += Left_PointerReleased; ; 
      //left.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnEndRightTurn); 

      right.PointerPressed += Right_PointerPressed; 
      right.PointerMoved += Right_PointerMoved; 
      right.PointerReleased += Right_PointerReleased; 

     private void Right_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      // Do nothing if trying to turn left but last 
      // page is displayed 
      if (_index == _count - 1) 

      // Start a left turn 
      _turning = true; 
      _direction = -1; 
      _percent = 0.0; 
      _startPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender).Position.X; 
      _owner = (FrameworkElement)sender; 

      // Turn page to specified angle 

      // Cache references to "working" pages 
      _workingOdd = _odds[_index]; 
      _workingEven = _evens[_index + 1]; 

      // Assign clipping regions and transforms to relevant canvases 
      RectangleGeometry rect = new RectangleGeometry(); 
      rect.Transform = _oddClipRegion.Transform; 
      rect.Rect = _oddClipRegion.Bounds; 
      _workingOdd.Clip = rect; 

      //_workingOdd.Clip = _oddClipRegion; 
      //_workingEven.Clip = _evenClipRegion; 
      RectangleGeometry rect2 = new RectangleGeometry(); 
      rect2.Rect = _evenClipRegion.Bounds; 
      rect2.Transform = _evenClipRegion.Transform; 
      _workingEven.Clip = rect2; 

      _workingEven.RenderTransform = _transformGroup; 

      // Set z-indexes for a left turn 
      _evens[_index + 1].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 2); 
      _odds[_index + 1].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 0); 

     private void Right_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      if (_turning) 
       // Compute change in X 
       double dx = _startPos - e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender).Position.X; 

       // If mouse moved right, update _startPos so page 
       // begins turning with first move left 
       if (dx < 0) 
        _startPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender).Position.X; 

       // Compute turn percentage based on change in X 
       double percent = dx/(_width * _sensitivity); 

       if (percent > 1.0) 
        percent = 1.0; 
       else if (percent < 0.0) 
        percent = 0.0; 

       // Exit now if no change 
       if (percent == _percent) 

       // Update percent turned 
       _percent = percent; 

       // Turn page to specified angle 

     private void Right_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      if (_turning) 

     private void Left_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      // Do nothing if trying to turn right but first 
      // page is displayed 
      if (_index == 0) 

      // Start a right turn 
      _turning = true; 
      _direction = 1; 
      _percent = 1.0; 
      _startPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender).Position.X; 
      _owner = (FrameworkElement)sender; 

      // Turn page to specified angle 

      // Cache references to "working" pages 
      _workingOdd = _odds[_index - 1]; 
      _workingEven = _evens[_index]; 

      // Assign clipping regions and transforms to relevant canvases 
      RectangleGeometry rect = new RectangleGeometry(); 
      rect.Transform = _oddClipRegion.Transform; 
      rect.Rect = _oddClipRegion.Bounds; 
      _workingOdd.Clip = rect; 

      //_workingOdd.Clip = _oddClipRegion; 
      //_workingEven.Clip = _evenClipRegion; 
      RectangleGeometry rect2 = new RectangleGeometry(); 
      rect2.Rect = _evenClipRegion.Bounds; 
      rect2.Transform = _evenClipRegion.Transform; 
      _workingEven.Clip = rect2; 
      _workingEven.RenderTransform = _transformGroup; 

      // Set z-indexes for a right turn 
      _evens[_index].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 3); 
      _evens[_index - 1].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 0); 
      _odds[_index - 1].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 2); 


     private void Left_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      if (_turning) 
       // Compute change in X 
       double dx = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)(((FrameworkElement)sender).Parent)).Position.X - _startPos; 

       // If mouse moved left, update _startPos so page 
       // begins turning with first move right 
       if (dx < 0) 
        _startPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)(((FrameworkElement)sender).Parent)).Position.X; 

       // Compute turn percentage based on change in X 
       double percent = 1.0 - (dx/(_width * _sensitivity)); 

       if (percent > 1.0) 
        percent = 1.0; 
       else if (percent < 0.0) 
        percent = 0.0; 

       // Exit now if no change 
       if (percent == _percent) 

       // Update percent turned 
       _percent = percent; 

       // Turn page to specified angle 

     private void Left_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) 
      if (_animating) 
       return; // Do nothing if animation in progress 

      if (_turning) 

     public void GoToSpread(int index) 
      if (index != _index && index > 0 && index < _count) 
       _index = index; 

       if (PageTurned != null) 
        PageTurned(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

     // Helper methods 

     private void TurnTo(double percent) 
      // Compute angle of rotation 
      double degrees = 45 - (percent * 45); 
      double radians = degrees * Math.PI/180; 

      // Compute x coordinates along bottom of canvas 
      double dx1 = _width - (percent * _width); 
      double dx2 = _width - dx1; 

      // Compute tangent of rotation angle 
      double tan = Math.Tan(radians); 

      // Configure clipping region for right-hand page 
      double p2y; 

      if (tan == 0) 
       p2y = _height; 
       p2y = _height + (dx1/tan); 

      double p3x = p2y * tan; 

      _oddClipRegionLineSegment1.Point = new Point(0, p2y); 
      _oddClipRegionLineSegment2.Point = new Point(p3x, 0); 

      // Configure clipping region for left-hand page 
      double p7x = dx2 - (_height * tan); 

      if (p7x >= 0.0) // 4-corner clipping region 
       _evenClipRegion.Figures[0].StartPoint = new Point(0, 0); 
       _evenClipRegionLineSegment1.Point = new Point(0, _height); 
       _evenClipRegionLineSegment2.Point = new Point(dx2, _height); 
       _evenClipRegionLineSegment3.Point = new Point(p7x, 0); 
      else // 3-corner clipping region 
       double y = _height - (dx2/tan); 
       _evenClipRegion.Figures[0].StartPoint = _evenClipRegionLineSegment3.Point = new Point(0, y); 
       _evenClipRegionLineSegment1.Point = new Point(0, _height); 
       _evenClipRegionLineSegment2.Point = new Point(dx2, _height); 

      // Apply clipping regions and transforms 
      _rotateTransform.CenterX = dx2; 
      _rotateTransform.CenterY = _height; 
      _rotateTransform.Angle = 2 * degrees; 

      _translateTransform.X = 2 * (_width - dx2); 

      // Configure shadow 
      if (percent == 0.0 || percent == 1.0) 
       _shadow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; 

      _shadow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 

      double min = this._shadowBreak; 
      double max = 45 - this._shadowBreak; 
      double width; 

      if (degrees > min && degrees < max) 
       width = _shadowWidth; 
       if (degrees <= min) 
        width = (degrees/_shadowBreak) * _shadowWidth; 
       else // degrees >= max 
        width = ((45 - degrees)/_shadowBreak) * _shadowWidth; 

      double x1 = _width + dx1 + (_height * tan); 
      double x2 = _width + dx1; 
      double y2 = _height; 
      double x3 = x2 + width; 
      double y3 = _height; 
      double x4 = x1 + width; 

      _shadow.Points[0] = new Point(x1, 0); 
      _shadow.Points[1] = new Point(x2, y2); 
      _shadow.Points[2] = new Point(x3, y3); 
      _shadow.Points[3] = new Point(x4, 0); 

     private void CompleteTurn() 
      if (_percent == 0.0) 
       if (_direction == 1) 
        if (PageTurned != null) 
         PageTurned(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

      if (_percent == 1.0) 
       if (_direction == -1) 
        if (PageTurned != null) 
         PageTurned(this, EventArgs.Empty); 

      if (_percent < 0.5) 
       _step = -Math.Abs(_step); 
       _step = Math.Abs(_step); 

      _animating = true; 

     private void Reset() 
      _turning = false; 
      _animating = false; 
      _direction = 0; 

      if (_owner != null) 
      _owner = null; 

      if (_workingOdd != null && _workingOdd.Clip != null) 
       _workingOdd.Clip = null; 
      if (_workingEven != null && _workingEven.Clip != null) 
       _workingEven.Clip = null; 
      if (_workingEven != null && _workingEven.RenderTransform != null) 
       _workingEven.RenderTransform = null; 

      _workingOdd = null; 
      _workingEven = null; 

      _shadow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; 


     private void InitializeZOrder() 
      for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++) 
       _evens[i].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, (i == _index) ? 1 : -1); 
       _odds[i].SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, (i == _index) ? 1 : -1); 

正確に私が必要としたもの。ありがとう –



IOS- https://github.com/jzeferino/Xamarin.iOS.iCarousel

Android- https://github.com/MobMaxime/xamarin-android-samples/tree/master/CarouselViewProject-master


まず、私はXamarinネイティブを使用しています。第二に、Windowsの携帯電話のために。:) –


私はあなたの要求が何であるのかわかりませんし、Windowsアプリケーション開発のためだけにxamarinを使用しています。 Visual StudioではUWPプロジェクトオプションを使用してWindows Universalアプリを開発するのに対して、 –
