2016-12-09 15 views

私はボタンを使ってPythonでTkinterウィンドウを再読み込みしようとしていますが、問題が見つかっていません。あなたは、import randomを使用し、リストからランダムに単語を生成します。ボタンをクリックすると、ラベルを異なる単語に設定したいと思います。PythonのTkinterウィンドウを "リフレッシュ"するには?

import random 
from Tkinter import *   #don't import like this except for Tkinter 
root = Tk() #create main window 
root.title('Atarashi Sozo') 
# Make and place a canvas widget for events and drawing 
canvas = Canvas(root, height=600, width=600, relief=RAISED, bg='white') 
canvas.grid() #Puts the canvas in the main Tk window 

#Create lists 
creature = ['is an Animal', 'is a Human', 'is an Artificial Intelligence', 
     'is an Alien', 'is a Mage','is a Reptillian','is a Shapeshifter', 
     'is Undead', 'is a Scorpion Hedgehog', 'is an Angel', 'is a Demon'] 
element = ['controls lightning', 'controls fire', 'controls nature', 'controls water', 'controls mater', 
     'controls time', 'controls gravity', 'controls life', 'controls death', 'controls wind', 
     'can bend any metal','controls the sun', 'controls the moon', 'controls love'] 
features = ['has wings', 'has markings', 'has large fangs', 'has claws', 'has a tail', 'has a weapon', 
     'has cybernetic parts', 'has wolf ears', 'has broken teeth', 'has a horn', 'has big ears', 
     'has eyes with two colors', 'has a mp3'] 
wildcard = ['is cursed', 'is bewitched', 'has no soul', 'killed someone', 'just learned magic', 
     'has no wifi', 'has unlimited memory', 'is poor', 'won the lottery', 'set the world on fire', 'visited another dimension'] 
colors = ['is primarily blue', 'is primarily grey', 'is primarily red', 'is primarily green', 'is primarily orange', 
     'is secondarily blue', 'is secondarily grey', 'is secondarily red', 'is secondarily green', 'is seconarily orange', 
     'is primarily black', 'is primarily purple', 'is secondarily purple', 'has all the colors of the rainbow'] 
handicap = ['is blind', 'is deaf', 'lost limbs', 'fears everything', 'has broken bones','has a small head','has an illness', 
     'has amnesia', 'is allergic to almost everything', 'is deformed'] 
habitat = ['lives in cyberspace', 'lives in a desert', 'lives in the mountains', 'lives in a volcano', 'lives in grasslands', 
     'lives on the moon', 'lives in space', 'lives on a deserted island', 'lives in a virtual world', 'lives in the underworld'] 
personality = ['is clingy', 'is depressed', 'is energetic', 'is angry', 'is kind', 'is a jerk', 'is goofy', 'is immature', 'is happy', 
      'is insane'] 
profession = ['is a teacher', 'is an assassin', 'is a graphic designer', 'is a programmer', 'is a photographer', 'is a blacksmith', 
      'is a bounty hunter', 'is an inventor', 'is a mage', 'is a monster hunter'] 
hobby = ['likes to cook', 'likes to draw and paint', 'likes to build things', 'likes to play games', 'likes to shop', 
    'studies alchemy', 'likes to write', 'likes to make music', 'likes to design', 'likes sports'] 
#Sets categories to choose from 
categoryList = [hobby,profession,personality,habitat,handicap,colors,wildcard,features,element] 
#Removes category from list if it has been choosen to remove the possibility of duplicates 
catOne = random.choice(categoryList) 
if catOne in categoryList: categoryList.remove(catOne) 
catTwo = random.choice(categoryList) 
if catTwo in categoryList: categoryList.remove(catTwo) 
catThree = random.choice(categoryList) 
if catThree in categoryList: categoryList.remove(catThree) 
#Chooses item from category choosen 
itemOne = random.choice(catOne) 
itemTwo = random.choice(catTwo) 
itemThree = random.choice(catThree) 

#Creates the main visual almost the same as Atarashi Sozo in App Inventor 
Title_box = canvas.create_rectangle(500, 90, 100, 18, outline = 'purple',width = 10, fill = 'violet') 
Title_text = canvas.create_text(300, 50, text='Your Character', font=('Impact', -50)) 
Display_box1 = canvas.create_rectangle(600, 200, 8, 125, outline = 'blue', width = 10, fill = 'sky blue') 
Label1 = canvas.create_text(300, 160, text=random.choice(creature), font=('Impact', -30,), fill='red') 
Display_box2 = canvas.create_rectangle(600, 300, 8, 225, outline = 'red', width = 10, fill = 'pink') 
Label2 = canvas.create_text(300, 260, text=itemOne, font=('Impact', -30), fill='blue') 
Display_box3 = canvas.create_rectangle(600, 400, 8, 325, outline = 'goldenrod', width = 10, fill = 'gold') 
Label3 = canvas.create_text(300, 360, text=itemTwo, font=('Impact', -30), fill='chocolate4') 
Display_box4 = canvas.create_rectangle(600, 500, 8, 425, outline = 'saddle brown', width = 10, fill = 'chocolate') 
Label4 = canvas.create_text(300, 460, text=itemThree, font=('Impact', -30), fill='gold1') 

#Create Button 
class Outcomes(Frame): 

    def __init__(self,master): 
    def create_widgets(self): 
    self.button = Button(self, text = 'Generate Character') 
    self.button['command'] = self.print_text 
    def print_text(): 
app = Outcomes(root) 

# Enter event loop. This displays the GUI and starts listening for events. 
# The program ends when you close the window. 



https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcveをお読みください。サンプルコードが長すぎます。問題と解決策を説明するのに20行未満が必要です。とにかく、ボタン機能は、表示された値をランダムにリセットする必要があります。方法はウィジェットによって異なります。あなたはあなたの正確な問題があなたにそうしないように言わなかった。 –


注:私はあなたのコンピュータ上のコードを消去することはお勧めしませんが、特定のものを習得するための新しいファイルを作成することをお勧めします。上記のガイドラインを試してもまだ質問が残っている場合は、ここに掲載されたコードを、より短く、より焦点が絞られた新しいコードに置き換えることをお勧めします。私は、作業しているtkinterベースのモジュールとは別の短いコードを書き、テストします。 –


あなたは、ボタンのクリック後にラベルの内容を変更したいと思っていますが、そのためにあなたのコードには試みはありません。ラベルのテキストを変更するのは簡単です。そこにはたくさんの例があります。まず、それらを見て、試してください、そして、[MCVE]で質問してください。 – Lafexlos



Canvasは、アイテムのオプションを変更する方法itemconfig(item_id, option=new_value)を持っています。すなわち、

canvas.itemconfig(creature_text, text=random.choice(creature)) 


    from Tkinter import * # Python 2 
    from tkinter import * # Python 3 

import random 

# --- functions --- 

def change_creature(): 
    # change text in item 
    canvas.itemconfig(creature_text, text=random.choice(creature)) 

# --- data --- 

creature = [ 
    'is an Animal', 'is a Human', 'is an Artificial Intelligence', 
    'is an Alien', 'is a Mage','is a Reptillian','is a Shapeshifter', 
    'is Undead', 'is a Scorpion Hedgehog', 'is an Angel', 'is a Demon' 

# --- main --- 

root = Tk() 

canvas = Canvas(root, height=100, width=300) 

# create empty item 
creature_text = canvas.create_text(10, 10, anchor='nw') 

# generate first text in item 

# use button to call the same function  
button = Button(root, text='Generate Creature', command=change_creature) 


EDIT:より普遍的な - 機能

change_text(creature_text_1, creature) 

command=lambda:change_text(creature_text_1, creature)) 


canvas.itemconfig(creature_text_1, text=random.choice(creature)) 

command=lambda:canvas.itemconfig(creature_text_1, text=random.choice(creature)) 


    from Tkinter import * # Python 2 
    from tkinter import * # Python 3 

import random 

# --- functions --- 

def change_text(item_id, all_text): 
    # change text in item 
    canvas.itemconfig(item_id, text=random.choice(all_text)) 

# --- data --- 

creature = [ 
    'is an Animal', 'is a Human', 'is an Artificial Intelligence', 
    'is an Alien', 'is a Mage','is a Reptillian','is a Shapeshifter', 
    'is Undead', 'is a Scorpion Hedgehog', 'is an Angel', 'is a Demon' 

# --- main --- 

root = Tk() 

canvas = Canvas(root, height=100, width=300) 

# create empty items 
creature_text_1 = canvas.create_text(10, 10, anchor='nw') 
creature_text_2 = canvas.create_text(10, 30, anchor='nw') 

# generate first text in item 
change_text(creature_text_1, creature) 
# or directly 
canvas.itemconfig(creature_text_2, text=random.choice(creature)) 

# use buttons to call the same function  
button = Button(root, text='Generate Creature 1', command=lambda:change_text(creature_text_1, creature)) 

# or directly 
button = Button(root, text='Generate Creature 2', command=lambda:canvas.itemconfig(creature_text_2, text=random.choice(creature))) 


ありがとうございますそれは完全に動作します。私はまだPythonには新しいので、これは私にとって素晴らしい知識です。助けてくれてありがとう。 – Gravitydog061
