2016-07-19 6 views


IList<IWeapon> LoW = t.incomingQueue.get(turn); 

    if (LoW.isCons()) { 
     // sets item to be processed as the first item in the list 
     for (IWeapon weapon : LoW) { 
      // code here 



interface IList<T> extends Iterable { 

// checks if a given item is in the list 
boolean isIn(T item); 

// checks if the list is a cons or not 
boolean isCons(); 

Cons<T> asCons(); 

// an iterator 
Iterator<T> iterator(); 

// checks if list has another value left 
boolean hasNext(); 

// gets data value at this point 
T getData(); 

// gets the rest of the list 
IList<T> getNext(); 

// an empty list 
class Empty<T> implements IList<T> { 

// an item cannot be in an empty list 
public boolean isIn(T item) { 
    return false; 

// an empty list is not a cons 
public boolean isCons() { 
    return false; 

public Cons<T> asCons() { 
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't call empty as a cons"); 

// for iterating over the list 
public Iterator<T> iterator() { 
    return new ListIterator<T>(this); 

// an empty list does not have a next item 
public boolean hasNext() { 
    return false; 

// won't be used since an iterator will never access an empty list 
public T getData() { 
    return null; 

// will never be reached 
public IList<T> getNext() { 
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't get next of an empty  list."); 

// a list with item(s) 
class Cons<T> implements IList<T> { 
// the first item in this list 
T first; 
// the rest of a list is either a list with items or an empty list 
IList<T> rest; 

// constructor statement 
Cons(T first, IList<T> rest) { 
    this.first = first; 
    this.rest = rest; 

// an item is in a list if it is the first item, or if it's in the rest of the list 
public boolean isIn (T item) { 
    return this.first.equals(item) || this.rest.isIn(item); 

// a cons list is a cons list 
public boolean isCons() { 
    return true; 

public Cons<T> asCons() { 
    return this; 

// for iterating over the list 
public Iterator<T> iterator() { 
    return new ListIterator<T>(this); 

// a list with items has a next value 
public boolean hasNext() { 
    return true; 

// gets data value at this point 
public T getData() { 
    return this.first; 

// gets the rest of the list 
public IList<T> getNext() { 
    return this.rest; 

//for iterating over our list 
class ListIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { 
// the current list 
IList<T> curr; 

// constructor 
ListIterator(IList<T> curr) { 
this.curr = curr; 

// returns true if there's at least one value left in this iterator 
public boolean hasNext() { 
return curr.hasNext(); 

// returns the next value and advances the iterator 
public T next() { 
T temp = this.curr.getData(); 
this.curr = this.curr.getNext(); 
return temp; 

// no need to implement this since it is never used 
public void remove() { 
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Removing in IList iterator not supported."); 

't.incomingQueue'とは何ですか?物事はどのように追加されますか? – bradimus


あなたは私の編集を見逃しました! t.incomingqueueはArrayList >です。私はまだそれに事を追加する関数をコード化していません – kathanm




interface IList<T> extends Iterable<T> { 


interface IList<T> extends Iterable { 




これは、感謝しました!私のデザインについてのあなたの質問については、私は本当にわかりません。まだ新しい開発者なので、試してみたかったと思います – kathanm
