2013-07-25 13 views

ファイル名、バージョン、最終更新日時をワークシートに追加するためのExcel VBAコードを記述しました。ファイルのLast Modified Dateの時間部分が、エクスプローラウィンドウに表示されているものから正確に1時間前または後ろにあることを除いて、コードが正常に動作するように見えます。ファイルの最終変更日の取得(エクスプローラ値ではなくcmd値)



C:\Windows\System32>dir dbghelp.* 
Volume in drive C has no label. 
Volume Serial Number is 16E8-4159 

Directory of C:\Windows\System32 

21/11/2010 04:24   1,087,488 dbghelp.dll 
       1 File(s)  1,087,488 bytes 
       0 Dir(s) 60,439,101,440 bytes free 


しかし、エクスプローラのウィンドウで同じファイル午前3時24分の修正時にを示し21/11/2010 - 1時間早く


Sub GetFileDetails() 
    Dim path As String 
    Dim objFSO As Object 
    Dim objFile As Object 
    Dim objFolder As Object 
    Dim loopCount As Integer 
    Dim pathCheck As Boolean 

    'Prompt for directory path 
    path = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter file path", Title:="Enter file path", Default:="") 
    If (path = "" Or path = vbNullString) Then 
     MsgBox ("Invalid path - exiting") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    'Required for interacting with filesystem 
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(path) 

    '1st row for path title, 2nd row for column headings 
    loopCount = 3 
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
     Range("A" & loopCount).Value = objFile.Name 
     Range("B" & loopCount).Value = objFSO.GetFileVersion(objFile) 
     Range("C" & loopCount).Value = objFile.DateLastModified 

     'Combine Version and Modified 
     If Range("B" & loopCount).Value <> "" Then 
      Range("D" & loopCount).Value = Range("B" & loopCount).Value & ", " & Range("C" & loopCount).Value 
      Range("D" & loopCount).Value = Range("C" & loopCount).Value 
     End If 

     loopCount = loopCount + 1 

    'Set up headings 
    Range("A" & 1).Value = (loopCount - 3) & " files found in " & path 
    Range("A" & 2).Value = "FileName" 
    Range("B" & 2).Value = "Version" 
    Range("C" & 2).Value = "Modified" 
    Range("D" & 2).Value = "Version & Modified" 
End Sub 

誰もがこの問題にいくつかの光を当てることができれば - それは非常に理解されるであろう。

=== === EDIT これは私がいつも私のエクスプローラウィンドウに表示されたのと同じ時間を与えるが出ているコードです:

Sub GetFileDetails() 
    Dim path As String 
    Dim objFSO As Object 
    Dim objFile As Object 
    Dim objFolder As Object 
    Dim loopCount As Integer 
    Dim pathCheck As Boolean 

    Dim modDate As Date 
    Dim modHour As Integer 
    Dim modMin As Integer 

    'Prompt for directory path 
    path = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter file path", Title:="Enter file path", Default:="") 
    If (path = "" Or path = vbNullString) Then 
     MsgBox ("Invalid path - exiting") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    'Required for interacting with filesystem 
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(path) 

    '1st row for path title, 2nd row for column headings 
    loopCount = 3 
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
     Range("A" & loopCount).Value = objFile.Name 
     Range("B" & loopCount).Value = objFSO.GetFileVersion(objFile) 
     Range("D" & loopCount).Value = objFile.Name 

     'The date modified time for files made in Summer Time are correct, whereas Winter Time will be 1 hour forward 
     If (IsItSummerTime(objFile.DateLastModified) = True) Then 
      Range("C" & loopCount).Value = objFile.DateLastModified 
      modDate = Format(objFile.DateLastModified, "DD-MM-YYYY") 
      modHour = Hour(objFile.DateLastModified) 
      modMin = Minute(objFile.DateLastModified) 

      modHour = modHour - 1 

      If (modHour < 10) Then 
       If (modMin < 10) Then 
        Range("C" & loopCount).Value = modDate & " 0" & modHour & ":0" & modMin 
        Range("C" & loopCount).Value = modDate & " 0" & modHour & ":" & modMin 
       End If 
       If (modMin < 10) Then 
        Range("C" & loopCount).Value = modDate & " " & modHour & ":0" & modMin 
        Range("C" & loopCount).Value = modDate & " " & modHour & ":" & modMin 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 

     'Combine Version and Modified 
     If Range("B" & loopCount).Value <> "" Then 
      Range("E" & loopCount).Value = Range("B" & loopCount).Value & ", " & Range("C" & loopCount).Value 
      Range("E" & loopCount).Value = Range("C" & loopCount).Value 
     End If 

     loopCount = loopCount + 1 

    'Set up headings 
    Range("A" & 1).Value = (loopCount - 3) & " files found in " & path 
    Range("A" & 2).Value = "FileName" 
    Range("B" & 2).Value = "Version" 
    Range("C" & 2).Value = "Modified" 
    Range("D" & 2).Value = "FileName" 
    Range("E" & 2).Value = "Version & Modified" 

End Sub 

Function IsItSummerTime(inDate As Date) As Boolean 
    Dim inDateYear As Integer 
    Dim findFirstSunday As Date 
    Dim firstSundayDate As Date 
    Dim startDays As Integer 
    Dim endDays As Integer 
    Dim summerStart As Date 
    Dim summerEnd As Date 

    'Summer Time starts on the 13th week 
    'Summer Time ends on the 42nd week 
    If (IsItALeapYear(inDate) = True) Then 
     startDays = (12 * 7) + 1 
     endDays = (42 * 7) + 1 
     startDays = 12 * 7 
     endDays = 42 * 7 
    End If 

    'Find the date of the first Sunday in the year 
    inDateYear = Year(inDate) 
    For i = 1 To 7 
     findFirstSunday = DateSerial(inDateYear, 1, i) 
     If (Weekday(findFirstSunday) = 1) Then 
      firstSundayDate = findFirstSunday 
     End If 
    Next i 

    'Calculate the start and end dates for Summer Time 
    summerStart = firstSundayDate + startDays 
    summerEnd = firstSundayDate + endDays 

    'Compare inDate to Summer Time values and return boolean value 
    If (inDate >= summerStart And inDate < summerEnd) Then 
     IsItSummerTime = True 
     IsItSummerTime = False 
    End If 
End Function 
Function IsItALeapYear(inDate As Date) As Boolean 
    If (Month(DateSerial(Year(inDate), 2, 29))) = 2 Then 
     IsItALeapYear = True 
     IsItALeapYear = False 
    End If 
End Function 

を[参照](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1144/Beating-the-Daylight-Savings-Time-bug-そして取得する)。 – pnuts


@pnuts - 良いリンク。 – brettdj


また、良いサポート[回答](http://superuser.com/questions/381110/windows-explorer-sees-different-file-name-from-cmd/381159#381159) –




ただし、FileDateTime関数を使用することもできます。このためのhelp articleは、この関数の結果がシステムのロケール設定に基づいていることを示しています。少なくともExcelのオンラインヘルプでは、DateLastModifiedプロパティのヘルプ記事にはそのような警告はありません。上記編集済みのコードから抜粋変更するには

'1st row for path title, 2nd row for column headings 
loopCount = 3 
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files 
    Range("A" & loopCount).Value = objFile.Name 
    'use the full path name 
    Range("B" & loopCount).Value = FileDateTime(objFile_fullpathname) 
    Range("D" & loopCount).Value = objFile.Name 