2016-03-22 9 views




import arcpy 
import math 
import pythonaddins 

class findingCoordinates(object): 
    """Implementation for leetScripts_addin.tool (Tool)""" 

    def __init__(self): 
     self.enabled = True 
     self.shape = "NONE" 

    def onMouseDownMap(self, x, y, button, shift): 
     print "onMouseDowMap executing" 
#this is where I declared the first two variables using self 
     self.x = x 
     self.y = y 
     print "Selected point is at %r, %r" % (self.x, self.y) 

class squareFeetInput(object): 
    """Implementation for leetScripts_addin.combobox (ComboBox)""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.editable = True 
     self.enabled = True 
     #self.dropdownWidth = 'WWWWWW' 
     self.width = 'WWWWWW' 

    def onEditChange(self, text): 
     squareFeet = text 
#this is the other variable I defined that I need to use later 
     self.buffDist = (math.sqrt(float(squareFeet))/2) 
     print "Square size: %r ft^2 Buffer Distance: %r ft^2" % (squareFeet,self.buffDist) 
     print "self.buffdist is a %r type" % self.buffDist 
     return self.buffDist 

class buildingTool(object): 
    """Implementation for leetScripts_addin.button (Button)""" 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.enabled = True 
     self.checked = False 
    def onClick(self): 
     print "building tool is executing" 
     #shows im_self, but no x or y 
     print "%r" % dir(findingCoordinates.onMouseDownMap) 
     # Get arguments: 
     # Input point feature class 
     # Output polygon feature class 
     # Buffer distance 
     # Boolean type: Maintain fields and field values of the input in the output 

#This is where the problem is. I can't get these values from the previous functions. 

     inPoints = (findingCoordinates.onMouseDownMap.x,findingCoordinates.onMouseDownMap.y) 
     outPolys = "U:\JackBuildingFootprints.gdb\BuildingFootprintsCopy" 
     bufDist = squareFeetInput.buffDist 
     keepFields = true 

     # Prepare the output based on whether field and field values are desired in the output 
     if keepFields: 
      # Create empty output polygon feature class that includes fields of the input 
      arcpy.CreateFeatureClass(os.path.dirname(outPolys), os.path.basename(outPolys), "POLYGON", 
            inPoints, "", "", inPoints) 

      # Create a short list of fields to ignore when moving fields values from 
      # input to output 
      ignoreFields = [] 

      # Use Describe properties to identify the shapeFieldName and OIDFieldName 
      desc = arcpy.Describe(inPoints) 

      # Create a list of fields to use when moving field values from input to output 
      fields = arcpy.ListFields(inPoints) 
      fieldList = [] 
      for field in fields: 
       if field.name not in ignoreFields: 
      # Create empty output polygon feature class without fields of the input 
      arcpy.CreateFeatureclass(os.path.dirname(outPolys), os.path.basename(outPolys), "POLYGON", 
            "", "", "", inPoints) 

     # Open searchcursor 
     inRows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inPoints) 

     # Open insertcursor 
     outRows = arcpy.InsertCursor(outPolys) 

     # Create point and array objects 
     pntObj = arcpy.Point() 
     arrayObj = arcpy.Array() 

     for inRow in inRows: # One output feature for each input point feature 
      inShape = inRow.shape 
      pnt = inShape.getPart(0) 

      # Need 5 vertices for square buffer: upper right, upper left, lower left, 
      # lower right, upper right. Add and subtract distance from coordinates of 
      # input point as appropriate. 
      for vertex in [0,1,2,3,4]: 
       pntObj.ID = vertex 
       if vertex in [0,3,4]: 
        pntObj.X = pnt.X + bufDist 
        pntObj.X = pnt.X - bufDist 
       if vertex in [0,1,5]: 
        pntObj.Y = pnt.Y + bufDist 
        pntObj.Y = pnt.Y - bufDist 

      # Create new row for output feature 
      feat = outRows.newRow() 

      # Shift attributes from input to output 
      if keepFields == "true": 
       for fieldName in fieldList: 
        feat.setValue(fieldName, inRow.getValue(fieldName)) 

      # Assign array of points to output feature 
      feat.shape = arrayObj 

      # Insert the feature 

      # Clear array of points 

     # Delete inputcursor 
     del outRows 


何をしているのですか?これはまれなケースですが、グローバル変数を使用する必要がありますか? selfを使用して定義した変数がディレクトリに表示されないのはなぜですか?


あなたのコードが何をしていると思いますか? – glibdud


入力とは何か、発生したエラーは何ですか? – JulienD


@muraveillユーザー入力です。それはうまくいきます。私が3番目のクラスでそれを呼び出そうとしたときにスローされるエラーは属性エラーです。これは、findingCoordinates.onMouseDownMap.xにxがないことを示します。 – Steve




In [9]: %paste 
class findingCoordinates(object): 
    """Implementation for leetScripts_addin.tool (Tool)""" 

    def __init__(self): 
     self.enabled = True 
     self.shape = "NONE" 

    def onMouseDownMap(self, x, y, button, shift): 
     print "onMouseDowMap executing" 
#this is where I declared the first two variables using self 
     self.x = x 
     self.y = y 
     print "Selected point is at %r, %r" % (self.x, self.y) 

## -- End pasted text -- 

In [10]: f = findingCoordinates() 

In [11]: f.onMouseDownMap(x=1, y=2, button="button", shift="shift") 
onMouseDowMap executing 
Selected point is at 1, 2 

In [12]: f.x 
Out[12]: 1 

In [13]: f.y 
Out[13]: 2 


In [14]: x 
NameError         Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-14-401b30e3b8b5> in <module>() 
----> 1 x 

NameError: name 'x' is not defined 

In [15]: y 
NameError         Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-15-009520053b00> in <module>() 
----> 1 y 

NameError: name 'y' is not defined 

In [16]: g = findingCoordinates() 

In [17]: g.onMouseDownMap(100,200,0,0) 
onMouseDowMap executing 
Selected point is at 100, 200 

In [18]: f.x, f.y 
Out[18]: (1, 2) 

In [19]: g.x, g.y 
Out[19]: (100, 200) 

関数を変数に等しい場所に設定しても問題ありませんか? – Steve


In [11]はIn [9]からどのように値を返しますか? – Steve


onMouseDownMapは、マップ上でマウスをクリックすると発生します。私は天才ではありませんが、あなたはファンクションに変数を入れてすぐに呼び出すように見えます。これは、クラス自体の最初のインスタンスで計算された変数をどのように返しますか? – Steve
