2016-05-04 4 views



$scope.TabGroups = []; // Contains the Name and useful data 
// Temp-faked data 
$scope.Testing.tabCDA_ManagementWages = [{ "firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "G" }, { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "M" }]; 
$scope.Testing.tabCDA_NonManagementWages = [{ "firstName": "Doug", "lastName": "D" }, { "firstName": "Jeff", "lastName": "C" }]; 

$scope.createTab = function (rowNumber) { 
    var SelectedRow = $scope.Groupings.filter(function (item) { return item.RowNumber == rowNumber; }); 
    var newTab = { 
     Name: SelectedRow[0].Description, 
     IsLoading: false, 
     UniqueID: "tabCDA_" + SelectedRow[0].Description.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "") 

    newTab.Data = $scope.Testing[newTab.UniqueID]; 
}; // createTab 


function cdaTab() { 
    return { 
     template: "<div class='grid' ui-grid='gridOptions'></div>", 
     restrict: "E", 
     scope: { 
      options: "=" 
     controller: "ProfitAndLossController", 
     controllerAs: "vm", 
     bindToController: true, 
     link: function (scope, element, attrs) { 
      scope.gridOptions = { 
       data: scope.vm.options.Data, 
       columnDefs: [ 
        { name: "firstName", field: "firstName", displayName: "First Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
        { name: "lastName", field: "lastName", displayName: "Last Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
     } // link 
    }; // return 
} // cdaTab 


app.directive("cdaTab", cdaTab); 


<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" ng-repeat="tab in TabGroups" id="{{ tab.UniqueID }}"> 
    <div class="row"> 
     <div class="col-md-12 small"> 
      <cda-tab id="{{ tab.UniqueID + '_A' }}" options="tab" class="cdaSummaryInfo gca-highlight"></cda-tab> 

最初のものがうまくいって、タブが作成され、データが読み込まれます。 2番目のタブが作成されると、タブが表示されますが、がdataになるため、データのロードに失敗します。 ( - V3.1.0 - UIグリッド2016年1月19日)ここで、UI-grid.jsファイルの具体行3,150 uiGridはないが

if (angular.isString($scope.uiGrid.data)) { 





EDIT RE:要求は、ここでProfitAndLossControllerコードです:

app.controller("ProfitAndLossController", ["$scope", "$rootScope", "uiGridConstants", "$http", "$window", "$filter", "CommonCode", 
    function ($scope, $rootScope, uiGridConstants, $http, $window, $filter, CommonCode) { 
     var windowUrl = $window.location.href.replace("#", ""); 
     var nextTabInteger = 0; 

     $scope.isLoadingData = true; 
     $scope.isExportingData = false; 

     $scope.Groupings = []; 
     $scope.DataRows = []; 
     $scope.ConsolidatedMonths = []; 
     $scope.MostRecentDate = FormatDateMDYYYY(new Date(), "/"); 
     $scope.TabGroups = []; // Contains the Name and useful data to fill in the TabPrimaryData values 
     $scope.TabPrimaryData = []; 
     $scope.TabDetailsData = []; 
     $scope.Testing = []; // Array of ui-grids 
     $scope.Testing2 = []; // Array of ui-grids for the details 
     $scope.cdaitems = []; 

     $scope.Testing.tabCDA_ManagementWages = [{ "firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "G" }, { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "M" }]; 
     $scope.Testing.tabCDA_NonManagementWages = [{ "firstName": "Doug", "lastName": "D" }, { "firstName": "Jeff", "lastName": "C" }]; 

     $scope.URLs = { 
      Data: windowUrl + "/ProfitAndLossData", 
      Details: windowUrl + "/IncidentReportingDetails", 
      New: windowUrl + "/NewIncidentReport", 
      Groupings: windowUrl + "/GetGroupings", 
      GroupingsFlat: windowUrl + "/GetGroupingsFlat", 
      TabPrimaryData: windowUrl + "/GetPrimaryCDA", 
      TabDetailsData: windowUrl + "/GetPrimaryCDADetails" 
     }; // URLs 

     $scope.fillGroupings = function() { 
      $scope.isLoadingData = true; 

       method: "GET", 
       url: $scope.URLs.GroupingsFlat, 
       headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } 
      }).success(function (data) { 
       $scope.Groupings = data; 
       $scope.isLoadingData = false; 
      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       $scope.isLoadingData = false; 
       alert("Error retrieving Grouping data. The error has been logged. Please retry and contact the system administrator if it happens again. Status is " + status + "."); 
       return status; 
      }); // http 
     }; // fillGroupings 

     $scope.fillRowData = function() { 
      $scope.isLoadingData = true; 
      var UsersFilters = $scope.GatherFilters(); 

      // Calculate the Consolidated P&L Dates 
      $scope.ConsolidatedMonths = []; 
      UsersFilters.EndDate = $scope.MostRecentDate; 

      var DateParts = UsersFilters.EndDate.split('/'); 
      var MRD = new Date(DateParts[2], DateParts[0] - 1, DateParts[1]); 

      for (var i = 11; i >= 0; i--) 
       $scope.ConsolidatedMonths[i] = incrementDate(MRD, -i); 

       method: "POST", 
       url: $scope.URLs.Data, 
       headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, 
       data: { "filters": UsersFilters } 
      }).success(function (data) { 
       if (data.WasSuccessful == true) { 
        for (var i = 0; i < data.Result.length; i++) 
         $scope.DataRows[data.Result[i].RowNumber] = data.Result[i]; 
       } else { 
       } // if it got the row of data successfully 

       $scope.isLoadingData = false; 
      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       $scope.isLoadingData = false; 
       alert("Error retrieving Row data. The error has been logged. Please retry and contact the system administrator if it happens again. Status is " + status + "."); 
       return status; 
      }); // http 
     }; // fillRowData 

     $scope.createTab = function (rowNumber) { 
      var Found = $scope.TabGroups.filter(function (item) { return item.RowNumber == rowNumber; }); 

      if (Found.length > 0) { 
       alert("This item already exists. Taking you there now."); 
      } else { 
       // New tab created 
       var SelectedRow = $scope.Groupings.filter(function (item) { return item.RowNumber == rowNumber; }); 
       var newTab = { 
        RowNumber: rowNumber, 
        Name: SelectedRow[0].Description, 
        Date: "", // May need the column they selected 
        IsLoading: false, 
        TabInteger: nextTabInteger, 
        UniqueID: "tabCDA_" + SelectedRow[0].Description.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "") // Remove all non-alphanumeric characters 

       newTab.Data = $scope.Testing[newTab.UniqueID]; 

       $("#" + newTab.UniqueID).tab("show"); 
      } // if that Tab is already in the list 
     }; // createTab 

     $scope.deleteTab = function (uniqueID) { 
      var Found = $scope.TabGroups.filter(function (item) { return item.UniqueID == uniqueID; }); 

      if (Found.length > 0) { 
       var index = $scope.TabGroups.indexOf(Found[0]); 
       $scope.TabGroups.splice(index, 1); 
       $scope.TabPrimaryData.splice(index, 1); 
       $scope.TabDetailsData.splice(index, 1); 
      } // if we found the tab 
     }; // deleteTab 

     $scope.fillTabPrimaryData = function (tabGroup) { 

      var UsersFilters = $scope.GatherFilters(); 
      var parameters = []; 
      ////$scope.CDADetailsSummary.data = []; 
      ////$scope.CDADetails.data = []; 
      //UsersFilters.PageNumber = $scope.paginationOptions.pageNumber; 
      //UsersFilters.RecordSize = $scope.paginationOptions.pageSize; 
      //UsersFilters.SortField = $scope.paginationOptions.sort; 
      //UsersFilters.SortDirection = $scope.paginationOptions.sortOrder; 

      tabGroup.IsLoading = true; 
      var InputDate = new Date($scope.MostRecentDate); 
      var Month = InputDate.getMonth(); 
      var Year = InputDate.getFullYear().toString().substr(2, 2) 

      parameters.push({ Name: "RowNumber", Value: tabGroup.RowNumber }); 
      parameters.push({ Name: "FromFiscalMonth", Value: Month }); 
      parameters.push({ Name: "BusinessUnit", Value: "1000" }); 
      parameters.push({ Name: "Year", Value: Year }); 

       method: "POST", 
       url: $scope.URLs.TabPrimaryData, 
       // headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, 
       headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;" }, 
       data: $.param({ filters: UsersFilters, parameters: parameters }) 
      }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       if (data.WasSuccessful == true) { 
        //$scope.CDADetailsSummary.data = data.Result; 
        // $scope.CDADetailsSummary[$scope.TabGroups.indexOf(tabGroup)] = data.Result; 
       } else { 
        DisplayToastMessage("Failure attempting to gather Primary data", data); 
       } // if the response was successful 

       tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
       $scope.status = status; 
       alert("Error retrieving data. The error has been logged. Please retry and contact the system administrator if it happens again. Status is " + status + "."); 
      }); // http 
     }; // fillTabPrimaryData 

     $scope.fillTabPrimaryDataSAVE = function (tabGroup) { 
      tabGroup.IsLoading = true; 
      var UsersFilters = $scope.GatherFilters(); 

       method: "POST", 
       url: $scope.URLs.TabPrimaryData, 
       headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, 
       data: { "rowNumber": tabGroup.RowNumber, "filters": UsersFilters } 
      }).success(function (data) { 
       if (data.WasSuccessful == true) { 
        $scope.TabPrimaryData[$scope.TabGroups.indexOf(tabGroup)] = data.Result; 
       } else { 
       } // if it got the row of data successfully 

       tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
       alert("Error retrieving CDA data. The error has been logged. Please retry and contact the system administrator if it happens again. Status is " + status + "."); 
       return status; 
      }); // http 
     }; // fillTabPrimaryData 

     $scope.fillTabCDADetails = function (businessUnit) { 
      // tabGroup.IsLoading = true; 
      var UsersFilters = $scope.GatherFilters(); 
      var parameters = []; 

       method: "POST", 
       url: $scope.URLs.TabDetailsData, 
       headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, 
       data: { "filters": UsersFilters, "parameters": parameters } 
      }).success(function (data) { 
       if (data.WasSuccessful == true) { 
        ////$scope.CDADetails.data = data.Result; 
       } else { 
       } // if it got the row of data successfully 

       // tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
      }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) { 
       // tabGroup.IsLoading = false; 
       alert("Error retrieving CDA data. The error has been logged. Please retry and contact the system administrator if it happens again. Status is " + status + "."); 
       return status; 
      }); // http 
     }; // fillPrimaryData 

     $scope.export = function (export_format, gridName) { 
      var myElement = null; 
      var exporter = null; 
      var spinner = null; 

      switch (gridName) { 
       case "data": 
        exporter = $scope.gridData.exporter; 
        spinner = "isExportingData"; 
       case "details": 
        exporter = $scope.gridDetail.exporter; 
        spinner = "isExportingDetails"; 
      } // switch 

      $scope[spinner] = true; 

      switch (export_format) { 
       case "visible_csv": 
        myElement = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll(".custom-csv-link-location")); 
        exporter.csvExport("visible", "visible", myElement); 
       case "all_csv": 
        myElement = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll(".custom-csv-link-location")); 
        exporter.csvExport("all", "all", myElement); 
      } // switch 

      $scope[spinner] = false; 
     }; // Export 

     $scope.FormatExportDates = function (grid, row, col, value) { 
      return ((col.name.substr(col.name.length - 4).toLowerCase() == "date") && (value !== undefined) && (value !== null)) ? new Date(parseInt(value.substr(6))).toISOString().split("T")[0] : value; 
     }; // FormatExportDates 

     $scope.clearSelections = function() { 
      ////$scope.CDADetails.data = []; 
     }; // clearSelections 

     $scope.refreshData = function() { 
      //$scope.CDADetails.data = []; 
     }; // refreshData 

     $scope.lessThan = function (property, value) { 
      return function (item) { 
       return item[property] < value; 
     }; // lessThan - Filter 

     angular.element(document).ready(function() { 
      $scope.GatherFilters = $rootScope.GatherFilters; 

      $(document).on("click", "a[class^='base-']", function() { // targets anything with base- class in it, starts with it 
       var link = $(this); 
       var rowID = link.data("row-id"); 
       var rowLvl = link.data("row-level"); 
       var start = 0; 

       $("ul[id=" + rowID + "-E]").toggle(); // Expand or Collapse the clicked item 
       var symbol = $(this).closest("li").children("span:first"); 
       symbol.hasClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right") ? symbol.removeClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down") : symbol.removeClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"); 

       // Show or Hide the corresponding row data items 
       $.each($("div[data-parent='" + rowID + "']"), function (key, value) { 
        var rid = $(this).data("row-id"); 

        // Only Collapse if it is already Expanded and we are Collapsing the Level 3 Parent 
        if ((rowLvl == 3) && ($(this).is(":visible"))) { 
         $.each($("div[data-parent='" + rid + "']:visible"), function (key, value) { 
         }); // foreach of the Level 1 children with the current Level 2 Parent ID 

         var smbl = $("a[data-row-id='" + rid + "']").closest("li").children("span:first"); 
         $("ul[id=" + rid + "-E]").hide(); // Collapse the sub menu item 
         smbl.removeClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down").addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"); 
        } // if we are on a Level 3 item and are Collapsing it 

        $(this).toggle(); // Show/Hide the Level 
       }); // foreach of the Level 2 items within the clicked Level 3 Parent 
      }); // Click event for tree view 

      // Setup the date control 
       format: "L", // "MM/DD/YYYY" 
       minDate: moment("01/01/2012", "MM/DD/YYYY"), 
       maxDate: FormatDateMDYYYY(new Date(), "/"), 
       defaultDate: FormatDateMDYYYY(new Date(), "/") 
      }).on("dp.change", function (e) { 
       $scope.MostRecentDate = $(e.target).find("input").val(); 

      // Setup the hover on rows 
      $(document).on("mouseenter", "li a[data-row-id], div[data-row-id]", function() { 
       var rid = $(this).data("row-id"); 
       $("div[data-row-id='" + rid + "'] div div").addClass("highlight"); 
       $("a[data-row-id='" + rid + "']").addClass("highlight"); 
      .on("mouseleave", "li a[data-row-id], div[data-row-id]", function() { 
       var rid = $(this).data("row-id"); 
       $("div[data-row-id='" + rid + "'] div div").removeClass("highlight"); 
       $("a[data-row-id='" + rid + "']").removeClass("highlight"); 

     }); // Document Ready 

     $scope.CDADetailsSummary = { 
      fastWatch: true, 
      data: [], 
      enableColumnResizing: true, 
      flatEntityAccess: true, 
      enableSorting: true, 
      enableFiltering: true, 
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false, 
      enableRowSelection: true, 
      showColumnFooter: true, 
      multiSelect: false, 
      exporterCsvFilename: "CDADetailsSummary_" + Today + ".csv", 
      exporterFieldCallback: $scope.FormatExportDates, 
      exporterMenuCsv: false, 
      exporterMenuPdf: false, 
      enableGridMenu: true, 
      paginationPageSizes: [15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250], 
      paginationPageSize: 15, 
      columnDefs: [ 
       { name: "AccountNumber", field: "AccountNumber", displayName: "Account Number", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "AccountName", field: "AccountName", displayName: "Account Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "FiscalYear", field: "FiscalYear", displayName: "Fiscal Year", type: "number", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "FiscalMonth", field: "FiscalMonth", displayName: "Fiscal Month", type: "number", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "ActualAmount", field: "ActualAmount", displayName: "Actual Amount", type: "number", cellFilter: "currency:$:0", cellClass: "text-right", width: 120 }, 
       { name: "BudgetAmount", field: "BudgetAmount", displayName: "Budget Amount", type: "number", cellFilter: "currency:$:0", cellClass: "text-right", width: 120 }, 
       { name: "PandLGroup", field: "PandLGroup", displayName: "PandLGroup", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "CategoryCode", field: "CategoryCode", displayName: "Category Code", type: "string", width: 120 }, 
       { name: "Company", field: "Company", displayName: "Company", type: "string", width: 120 }, 
       { name: "Division", field: "Division", displayName: "Division", type: "string", width: 120 }, 
       { name: "RegionalVicePresident", field: "RegionalVicePresident", displayName: "RVP", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "SeniorRegionalManager", field: "SeniorRegionalManager", displayName: "SRM", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "RegionalManager", field: "RegionalManager", displayName: "RM", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "AccountManager", field: "AccountManager", displayName: "Account Manager", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
       { name: "BusinessUnit", field: "BusinessUnit", displayName: "Business Unit", type: "string", width: 120 } 
      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { 
       $scope.gridData = gridApi; 
       gridApi.cellNav.on.navigate($scope, function (newRowcol, oldRowCol) { 
      } // onRegisterApi 

      //gridApi.cellNav.on.navigate($scope, function (newRowcol, oldRowCol) { 
      // console.log($scope.BusinessUnit); 

      // if ($scope.BusinessUnit !== null) { 
      //  $scope.fillTabCDADetails($scope.BusinessUnit); 
      //  } // if this is a non-period field 

      //gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered($scope, function (grid) { 
      // $('#cdaSummaryGridDataMessage').hide(); 
      // $('#cdaSummaryGridLoadingMessage').show(); 
      // } 
     }; // CDADetailsSummary 

     $scope.CDADetails = { 
      fastWatch: true, 
      data: [], 
      enableColumnResizing: true, 
      flatEntityAccess: true, 
      enableSorting: true, 
      enableFiltering: true, 
      enableRowHeaderSelection: false, 
      enableRowSelection: true, 
      showColumnFooter: true, 
      multiSelect: false, 
      exporterCsvFilename: "EmployeeMaster_" + Today + ".csv", 
      exporterFieldCallback: $scope.FormatExportDates, 
      exporterMenuCsv: false, 
      exporterMenuPdf: false, 
      enableGridMenu: true, 
      paginationPageSizes: [15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250], 
      paginationPageSize: 15, 
      useExternalPagination: true, 
      columnDefs: [ 

      { name: "AccountNumber", field: "AccountNumber", displayName: "Account Number", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
      { name: "AccountName", field: "AccountName", displayName: "Account Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
          { name: "GLDate", field: "GLDate", displayName: "GL Date", type: "number", width: 150 }, 
          { name: "ActualAmount", field: "ActualAmount", displayName: "Actual Amount", type: "number", cellFilter: "currency:$:0", cellClass: "text-right", width: 120 }, 
          { name: "BudgetAmount", field: "BudgetAmount", displayName: "Budget Amount", type: "number", cellFilter: "currency:$:0", cellClass: "text-right", width: 120 }, 
          { name: "Description", field: "Description", displayName: "Description", type: "string", width: 75 }, 
          { name: "Remark", field: "Remark", displayName: "Remark", type: "string", width: 90 }, 
          { name: "USerName", field: "UserName", displayName: "User Name", type: "string", width: 90 }, 
          { name: "BatchNo", field: "BatchNo", displayName: "Batch No", type: "string", width: 90 }, 
          { name: "BatchDate", field: "BatchDate", displayName: "Batch Date", type: "string", width: 90 }, 
          { name: "Source", field: "Source", displayName: "Source", type: "string", width: 90 }, 
          { name: "InvoiceNo", field: "InvoiceNo", displayName: "Invoice No", type: "string", width: 90 } 
      onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { 
       $scope.gridDetail = gridApi; 

      } // onRegisterApi 

      //gridApi.cellNav.on.navigate($scope, function (newRowcol, oldRowCol) { 
      // console.log($scope.BusinessUnit); 

      // if ($scope.BusinessUnit !== null) { 
      //  $scope.fillTabCDADetails($scope.BusinessUnit); 
      //  } // if this is a non-period field 

      //gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered($scope, function (grid) { 
      // $('#cdaSummaryGridDataMessage').hide(); 
      // $('#cdaSummaryGridLoadingMessage').show(); 
      // } 
     }; // CDADetailsSummary 

     var deregister = $scope.$on("clearAll", function (event, data) { 
      if ($scope.IncidentRepprtingGrid.data !== null) 
       $scope.IncidentRepprtingGrid.data.length = 0; 

      $scope.isLoadingPrimaryData = null; 
      $scope.isLoadingDetailsData = null; 
      $scope.isExportingData = null; 
      $scope.isPrinting = null; 
     }); // deregister 

     $scope.$on("$destroy", deregister); 
app.directive("cdaTab", cdaTab); 

var incrementDate = function (date, addMonth) { 
    var Result = new Date(date); 
    Result.setMonth(Result.getMonth() + addMonth) 
    return Result; 

function cdaTab() { 
    return { 
     template: "<div class='grid' ui-grid='gridOptions'></div>", 
     restrict: "E", 
     scope: { 
      options: "=" 
     controller: "ProfitAndLossController", 
     controllerAs: "vm", 
     bindToController: true, 
     link: function (scope, element, attrs) { 
      scope.gridOptions = { 
       data: scope.vm.options.Datax, 
       columnDefs: [ 
        { name: "firstName", field: "firstName", displayName: "First Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
        { name: "lastName", field: "lastName", displayName: "Last Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
     } // link 
    }; // return 
} // cdaTab 

「ProfitAndLossController」はどのように見えますか?それを貼り付けることはできますか? – Kyle


@KKKKKKKK私は 'ProfitAndLossController'を表示するように編集しました – Grandizer




リンク機能では、渡されるグリッドデータ 'watch'を作成し、グリッド設定を使用してグリッドを作成する必要があります。

scope.$watch('scope.vm.options.Data', function(scope.vm.options.Data) { 

if(scope.vm.options.Data) { 
scope.gridOptions = { 
       data: scope.vm.options.Data, 
       columnDefs: [ 
        { name: "firstName", field: "firstName", displayName: "First Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 
        { name: "lastName", field: "lastName", displayName: "Last Name", type: "string", width: 150 }, 

