2016-08-22 13 views

vld 2.5を使用してメモリリークを検出し、追加のディレクトリと追加のライブラリディレクトリを追加しています。ビジュアルリークディテクタがオフになっています

#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> 
    #include "vld.h" 
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); 
    return a.exec(); 

は、ここで私は簡単なプログラムのデバッグを開始how to use VLD .Afterで、コンソールは、Visualリークディテクタは、私はVLDを有効off.Thenになっているが、それはまだ動作していないことを私に伝えます。



 ;; Visual Leak Detector - Initialization/Configuration File 
;; Copyright (c) 2005-2016 VLD Team 
;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
;; Lesser General Public License for more details. 
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA 
;; See COPYING.txt for the full terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. 

; Any options left blank or not present will revert to their default values. 

; The main on/off switch. If off, Visual Leak Detector will be completely 
; disabled. It will do nothing but print a message to the debugger indicating 
; that it has been turned off. 
; Valid Values: on, off 
; Default: on 
VLD = on 
; If yes, duplicate leaks (those that are identical) are not shown individually. 
; Only the first such leak is shown, along with a number indicating the total 
; number of duplicate leaks. 
; Valid Values: yes, no 
; Default: no 
AggregateDuplicates = no 
; Lists any additional modules to be included in memory leak detection. This can 
; be useful for checking for memory leaks in debug builds of 3rd party modules 
; which can not be easily rebuilt with '#include "vld.h"'. This option should be 
; used only if absolutely necessary and only if you really know what you are 
; doing. 
; CAUTION: Avoid listing any modules that link with the release CRT libraries. 
;  Only modules that link with the debug CRT libraries should be listed here. 
;  Doing otherwise might result in false memory leak reports or even crashes. 
; Valid Values: Any list containing module names (i.e. names of EXEs or DLLs) 
; Default: None. 
ForceIncludeModules = 
; Maximum number of data bytes to display for each leaked block. If zero, then 
; the data dump is completely suppressed and only call stacks are shown. 
; Limiting this to a low number can be useful if any of the leaked blocks are 
; very large and cause unnecessary clutter in the memory leak report. 
; Value Values: 0 - 4294967295 
; Default: 256 
MaxDataDump = 
; Maximum number of call stack frames to trace back during leak detection. 
; Limiting this to a low number can reduce the CPU utilization overhead imposed 
; by memory leak detection, especially when using the slower "safe" stack 
; walking method (see StackWalkMethod below). 
; Valid Values: 1 - 4294967295 
; Default: 64 
MaxTraceFrames = 
; Sets the type of encoding to use for the generated memory leak report. This 
; option is really only useful in conjuction with sending the report to a file. 
; Sending a Unicode encoded report to the debugger is not useful because the 
; debugger cannot display Unicode characters. Using Unicode encoding might be 
; useful if the data contained in leaked blocks is likely to consist of Unicode 
; text. 
; Valid Values: ascii, unicode 
; Default: ascii 
ReportEncoding = ascii 
; Sets the report file destination, if reporting to file is enabled. A relative 
; path may be specified and is considered relative to the process' working 
; directory. 
; Valid Values: Any valid path and filename. 
; Default: .\memory_leak_report.txt 
ReportFile = 
; Sets the report destination to either a file, the debugger, or both. If 
; reporting to file is enabled, the report is sent to the file specified by the 
; ReportFile option. 
; Valid Values: debugger, file, both 
; Default: debugger 
ReportTo = debugger 
; Turns on or off a self-test mode which is used to verify that VLD is able to 
; detect memory leaks in itself. Intended to be used for debugging VLD itself, 
; not for debugging other programs. 
; Valid Values: on, off 
; Default: off 
SelfTest = off 
; Selects the method to be used for walking the stack to obtain stack traces for 
; allocated memory blocks. The "fast" method may not always be able to 
; successfully trace completely through all call stacks. In such cases, the 
; "safe" method may prove to more reliably obtain the full stack trace. The 
; disadvantage is that the "safe" method is significantly slower than the "fast" 
; method and will probably result in very noticeable performance degradation of 
; the program being debugged. 
; Valid Values: fast, safe 
; Default: fast 
StackWalkMethod = fast 
; Determines whether memory leak detection should be initially enabled for all 
; threads, or whether it should be initially disabled for all threads. If set 
; to "yes", then any threads requiring memory leak detection to be enabled will 
; need to call VLDEnable at some point to enable leak detection for those 
; threads. 
; Valid Values: yes, no 
; Default: no 
StartDisabled = no 
; Determines whether or not all frames, including frames internal to the heap, 
; are traced. There will always be a number of frames internal to Visual Leak 
; Detector and C/C++ or Win32 heap APIs that aren't generally useful for 
; determining the cause of a leak. Normally these frames are skipped during the 
; stack trace, which somewhat reduces the time spent tracing and amount of data 
; collected and stored in memory. Including all frames in the stack trace, all 
; the way down into VLD's own code can, however, be useful for debugging VLD 
; itself. 
; Valid Values: yes, no 
; Default: no 
TraceInternalFrames = no 
; Determines whether or not report memory leaks when missing HeapFree calls. 
; Valid Values: yes, no 
; Default: no 
SkipHeapFreeLeaks = no 
; Determines whether or not report memory leaks generated from crt startup code. 
; These are not actual memory leaks as they are freed by crt after the VLD object 
; has been destroyed. 
; Valid Values: yes, no 
; Default: yes 
SkipCrtStartupLeaks = yes 



VLDのインストールディレクトリにあるvld.iniとは何ですか? –


@MarianSpanikここで私は新しい投稿を追加しました。ありがとうございました。 – liyang


私は設定VLD = onとStartDisabled = noに興味がありましたが、問題なくOKですので、問題を解決する方法はわかりません:-( –



私は同様の問題があった?:突然、私はVLDがで「ビジュアル漏れ検出器がオフになっている」印刷が実現デバッグログ。私はすべてをチェックしました。#include "vld.h"は "vld.ini"を使用していましたが、DLLはPATHにあり、動作するはずです。

私の場合、VLDソースをダウンロードし、テストケースとボイラーでデバッグして解決策を見つけました。数か月前に、いくつかのディレクトリ名に環境変数 "VLD64"を設定しました。それを削除した後、すべて正常に機能しました。
