2016-10-17 19 views

パイプラインを作成してS3からRDS mysqlインスタンスにデータをロードしました。パイプラインをエラーなく保存できますが、起動時に「パラメータ1に値が指定されていません。これまでの私のオンライン検索では、insert文のパラメータをどこかで定義する必要があることが示唆されています。これが正しければどうすればいいですか? awsパイプラインパラメータエラー


    "objects": [ 
     "output": { 
     "ref": "DestinationRDSTable" 
     "input": { 
     "ref": "S3InputDataLocation" 
     "dependsOn": { 
     "ref": "RdsMySqlTableCreateActivity" 
     "name": "DataLoadActivity", 
     "id": "DataLoadActivity", 
     "runsOn": { 
     "ref": "Ec2Instance" 
     "type": "CopyActivity" 
     "*password": "#{*myRDSPassword}", 
     "name": "rds_mysql", 
     "jdbcProperties": "allowMultiQueries=true", 
     "id": "rds_mysql", 
     "type": "RdsDatabase", 
     "rdsInstanceId": "#{myRDSInstanceId}", 
     "username": "#{myRDSUsername}" 
     "instanceType": "t1.micro", 
     "name": "Ec2Instance", 
     "actionOnTaskFailure": "terminate", 
     "securityGroups": "#{myEc2RdsSecurityGrps}", 
     "id": "Ec2Instance", 
     "type": "Ec2Resource", 
     "terminateAfter": "2 Hours" 
     "database": { 
     "ref": "rds_mysql" 
     "name": "RdsMySqlTableCreateActivity", 
     "runsOn": { 
     "ref": "Ec2Instance" 
     "id": "RdsMySqlTableCreateActivity", 
     "type": "SqlActivity", 
     "script": "#{myRDSTableInsertSql}" 
     "database": { 
     "ref": "rds_mysql" 
     "name": "DestinationRDSTable", 
     "insertQuery": "#{myRDSTableInsertSql}", 
     "id": "DestinationRDSTable", 
     "type": "SqlDataNode", 
     "table": "#{myRDSTableName}", 
     "selectQuery": "select * from #{table}" 
     "escapeChar": "\\", 
     "name": "DataFormat1", 
     "columnSeparator": "|", 
     "id": "DataFormat1", 
     "type": "TSV", 
     "recordSeparator": "\\n" 
     "directoryPath": "#{myInputS3Loc}", 
     "dataFormat": { 
     "ref": "DataFormat1" 
     "name": "S3InputDataLocation", 
     "id": "S3InputDataLocation", 
     "type": "S3DataNode" 
     "failureAndRerunMode": "CASCADE", 
     "resourceRole": "DataPipelineDefaultResourceRole", 
     "role": "DataPipelineDefaultRole", 
     "pipelineLogUri": "s3://logs3tords/", 
     "scheduleType": "ONDEMAND", 
     "name": "Default", 
     "id": "Default" 
    "parameters": [ 
     "description": "RDS MySQL password", 
     "id": "*myRDSPassword", 
     "type": "String" 
     "watermark": "security group name", 
     "helpText": "The names of one or more EC2 security groups that have access to the RDS MySQL cluster.", 
     "description": "RDS MySQL security group(s)", 
     "isArray": "true", 
     "optional": "true", 
     "id": "myEc2RdsSecurityGrps", 
     "type": "String" 
     "description": "RDS MySQL username", 
     "id": "myRDSUsername", 
     "type": "String" 
     "description": "Input S3 file path", 
     "id": "myInputS3Loc", 
     "type": "AWS::S3::ObjectKey" 
     "helpText": "The SQL statement to insert data into the RDS MySQL table.", 
     "watermark": "INSERT INTO #{table} (col1, col2, col3) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ;", 
     "description": "Insert SQL query", 
     "id": "myRDSTableInsertSql", 
     "type": "String" 
     "helpText": "The name of an existing table or a new table that will be created based on the create table SQL query parameter below.", 
     "description": "RDS MySQL table name", 
     "id": "myRDSTableName", 
     "type": "String" 
     "watermark": "CREATE TABLE pet IF NOT EXISTS (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20), species VARCHAR(20), gender CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE);", 
     "helpText": "The idempotent SQL statement to create the RDS MySQL table if it does not already exist.", 
     "description": "Create table SQL query", 
     "optional": "true", 
     "id": "myRDSCreateTableSql", 
     "type": "String" 
     "watermark": "DB Instance", 
     "description": "RDS Instance ID", 
     "id": "myRDSInstanceId", 
     "type": "String" 
    "values": { 
    "myRDSInstanceId": "instance name", 
    "myRDSUsername": "user", 
    "myRDSTableInsertSql": "Insert into Ten.MD_ip_hp (ID, NAME, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, CITY, STATE, ZIP, DS) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", 
    "*myRDSPassword": "password", 
    "myInputS3Loc": "log location", 
    "myRDSTableName": "MD_ip_hp" 

UPDATE: は、だから私は、指定された値なし」に変更することが私のエラーになったのSQLアクティビティ・ノード上の8に「スクリプト引数1」を指定パラメータ2のための "。各数値を別のパラメータとして読み取るにはどうすればよいですか? >:x



このような愚かなこと! 私は、自分のクエリの各パラメータに対応する別々のスクリプト引数を作成することでそれを解決することができました。素人の言葉では、それぞれのスクリプトの引数は?私の質問で。