2016-07-07 7 views

列Aの行1が列Bの行1と一致するかどうかを確認しようとしています。一致する場合は列Eの行1と列Eの行2のチェックが必要です。すべて一致した場合は、C列1行の値を表示する必要があります。複数の列の比較難易度VBA Excelマクロ



Sub DemoNew() 
    Dim dict1 As Object 
    Dim c1 As Variant, k As Variant 
    Dim currWS As Worksheet 
    Dim i As Double, lastRow As Double, tot As Double 
    Dim number1 As Double, number2 As Double, firstRow As Double 

    Set dict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set currWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 

    'get last row withh data in Column A 
    lastRow = currWS.Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 

    'put unique numbers in Column A in dict1 
    c1 = Range("A2:B" & lastRow) 
    For i = 1 To UBound(c1, 1) 
     If c1(i, 1) <> "" Then 
      'make combination with first 4 characters 
      dict1(Left(c1(i, 1), 4) & "," & Left(c1(i, 2), 4)) = 1 
     End If 
    Next i 

    'loop through all the numbers in column A 
    For Each k In dict1.keys 
     number1 = Split(k, ",")(0) 
     number2 = Split(k, ",")(1) 
     tot = 0 
     firstRow = 0 

     For i = 2 To lastRow 
      If k = Left(currWS.Range("A" & i).Value, 4) & "," & Left(currWS.Range("B" & i).Value, 4) Then 
       If firstRow = 0 Then 
        firstRow = i 
       End If 
       tot = tot + currWS.Range("C" & i).Value 
      End If 
     Next i 
     currWS.Range("D" & firstRow) = tot 
    Next k 
End Sub 


If k = Left(currWS.Range("A" & i).Value, 4) & "," & Left(currWS.Range("B" & i).Value, 4) & (currWS.Range("E" & i).value) Then 

しかし、これは私が欲しかったものを作りません。 Example 1





、列ならば仕事 –


での取り付けは2 '行2試合列 '行をこの行を編集してください参照傾けます。 'C行1を表示する必要があります.'表示される内容は何ですか?どこに表示されますか? '行1と行2のC列の2つの値を合計して、合計で何を行うのですか?それをC1の代わりに表示しますか? –


私はあなたができるだけ詳細に説明しようとしていることを知っていますが、いくつかの擬似コードは読みやすくなります。ここに私のブレークがダウンしている: 'A1 = B1とE1 = B2行場合はA1 = B1とE1 = E2は、その後、その後 \t E1 = E2を表示した場合 \t A2 = A2とE1 = E2、その後 \t C1 + C2 の場合\t End If End IF' –




Sub DemoNew() 
    Dim dict1 As Object 
    Dim c1 As Variant, k As Variant 
    Dim currWS As Worksheet 
    Dim i As Double, lastRow As Double, tot As Double 
    Dim number1 As Double, number2 As Double, firstRow As Double 

    Dim DataArray 

    Set dict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
    Set currWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 

    'get last row withh data in Column A 
    lastRow = currWS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 

    'put your sheet into an array in memory so that it references faster 
    DataArray = Range("A2:E" & lastRow) 

    'loop through the array per your logic 
    For i = 1 To UBound(DataArray, 1) - 1 
     If DataArray(i, 1) <> "" And DataArray(i, 1) = DataArray(i, 2) And DataArray(i, 5) = DataArray(i + 1, 5) Then 
      tot = tot + DataArray(i, 3) 
      DataArray(i, 4) = DataArray(i, 3) 
     End If 
    Next i 
    DataArray(UBound(DataArray, 1), 4) = DataArray(UBound(DataArray, 1), 3) ' last row will never match the next so set the value in D 

    'write modified data back into sheet 
    currWS.Range("A2:E" & lastRow) = DataArray 

    MsgBox ("Tot is: " & tot) 

End Sub