2017-12-15 10 views

affinityCallaffinityRunの違いは何ですか? https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/affinity-collocationApache Ignite - affinityRunとaffinityCallの違い



* Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node) 
* </p> 
* It's guaranteed that the data of all the partitions of all participating caches, 
* the affinity key belongs to, will present on the destination node throughout the job execution. 
* @param cacheNames Names of the caches to to reserve the partition. The first cache uses for affinity co-location. 
* @param partId Partition to reserve. 
* @param job Job which will be co-located on the node with given affinity key. 
* @return Job result. 
* @throws IgniteException If job failed. 

* Executes given job on the node where partition is located (the partition is primary on the node) 
* </p> 
* It's guaranteed that the data of all the partitions of all participating caches, 
* the affinity key belongs to, will present on the destination node throughout the job execution. 
* @param cacheNames Names of the caches to to reserve the partition. The first cache is used for 
*     affinity co-location. 
* @param partId Partition number. 
* @param job Job which will be co-located on the node with given affinity key. 
* @throws IgniteException If job failed. 




